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    Article by Granfondoguide.com

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    We had over 1100 registered riders, over 2-days, starting in pods less than 45, every 10-15 minutes. Lots of smiles over those 35, 50, 75 and 100 mile courses.

    We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our riders, everyone seemed to get what they needed; a race, a ride, a day with friends, or just training for the next accomplishment.

    What a success! I have heard nothing but positive feedback. Great attention to details and doing everything possible to make it safe and fun. Well done!" - Cameron (Utah, Zone5 competitive race team)



    The Cache Gran Fondo is supported by over 40 sponsors, providing everything from financial support, medical services, nutrition and hydration for our support stations, and over $10K in rider gifts and prizes. Without these incredible companies, our event would not function. Please scroll through our Sponsors page and please do what you can to support these Utah-based businesses and organizations.

    Our Sponsors
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    To be compliant this year, we had to carefully monitor the number of volunteers we had spread out on the course. Despite having lower numbers of volunteers an crew this year, somehow we got the cream of the crop, the hardest workers, and the kindest people to do the job!

    Thanks to the incredible people who help with registration, prizes, support stations, course marking, corner sweeping, day-of assignments, medals and post-ride items, clean-up and photography.

    Congrats on another spectacular year. I rode the 76 and the new course through Preston was fabulous. All stations were very well-stocked. A near perfect day although you could have provided a bit more cloud cover like last year, ha. We were done by 11:30 so not bad at all. Well done.
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    Today for the first time I made it up the hill on the 50 mile to get to the second stop in Newton. I literally was crying. I still am while I’m sitting here. I never could have done this without the opportunity for me to tackle the impossible. Thank you!
    — Emily (Cache Valley, Utah) 2024
    My first time participating in this 100 miler and it rocked! I love riding Weston Canyon!
    — Jeff (Utah, 104 mile rider) 2024
    As always this was another great ride. This was my 4th year and every time it’s been a great experience. With everything going on this year I thought about canceling but I’m glad I didn’t. Thanks again for putting all this together and making this such a great event.
    — Byron (Utah, 104 mile rider)

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    We are taking every precaution to keep our riders, volunteers and community safe during the event. A very important component to this plan is how our packet pick up is arranged on Thursday and Friday at Al’s Sporting Goods.

    Last week, USACycling shared some guidelines on how to keep contact to a minimum at a packet pick-up, and we are implementing all their recommendations. Our packet pick-up area will be set up in the center section as in the past. Facemasks will be provided to all riders, and we encourage their use while at AL’s, (as well as any other time off-bike). We will also be drawing our rider prizes and will be displaying them at the front of the store, so once riders receive their bib numbers they can check to see of they won one of our hundreds of prizes, including the Grand Prize, (Nordictrack Commercial Training system valued at $2000).

    We encourage all riders to keep distanced (the signs on the floor will help), and move thru the area. We are also not pre-stuffing bags to cut down on the number of people who handle each item, so if you want some of the great offers on the table, please take one (hint: there are some great discount coupons to Al’s and other local shops).


    With our two-day schedule, we are running packet pick up ONLY in Logan this year. Our packet pick up times are as follows (note: Early riders on Friday can also get their packets at the START line on Friday am):

    Thurs - 4-8 (Als Sport Goods)

    Friday - 12-8 (Als Sport Goods)

    Sat - 5-10 (Start Line at Green Canyon)


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    The Cache Gran Fondo is an annual Italian-style ride in Cache Valley in Northern Utah. The Cache Gran Fondo occurs on the 2nd weekend of July and riders can ride either on a 35 mile, 50 mile, 75 mile or 105 mile route. Ranked #6 Gran Fondo in North America in 2024, and one of the fastest-growing and largest rides in Utah, our focus has always been to create a fun, rewarding and challenging event.

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